Rivers need us to speak up for them
1 min read
Rob Cheesewright  (Pinwheel author)

Rob Cheesewright

Five planet-saving petitions to sign right now

Helping protect the planet doesn’t have to be time consuming: you can lend your support to a worthwhile campaign in the time it takes to make a quick cuppa. To make it even easier, we’ve picked five impactful petitions to sign right now from the comfort of your sofa…

Protect the right to repair

The longer we use household goods such as washing machines and fridges, the less environmental impact they have. The Restart Project is a collective of volunteer repairers taking ‘make do and mend’ to the next level by petitioning the UK government to give consumers the rights and resources to carry out repairs ourselves.
Protect the right to repair
Image of person repairing electronic item.

Make food waste history

While you’re blending up those leftover vegetables for a food-waste-busting soup, why not add your signature to this campaign by food activism group Feedback? The petition aims to build momentum behind a proposed law which will make food waste reporting a requirement for large UK companies from 2023.
Make food waste history
reduce food waste

Speak up for our rivers

This campaign looks upstream at the sewage, chemicals and other nasties finding their way into the water system before they meet the sea. Surfers Against Sewage are demanding more bathing water sites, where water quality is closely monitored and river-polluting industries are legally obliged to clean up their act.
Speak up for our rivers
Rivers need us to speak up for them

Ditch plastic packaging

If you’ve seen the images of wildlife caught up in familiar supermarket plastics, or battled through multiple layers of wrapping on a fruit punnet, you’ll be all too aware of the need for change in grocery shops’ packaging habits. Join Greenpeace in calling for industry-wide action to reduce production of single-use plastics.
Ditch plastic packaging
Image of apples in a single-use bag.

Stand by bees

Take action for insects by encouraging the UK government to promote more nature-friendly farming methods. Britain’s bees have suffered a well-documented decline in recent years, and a decision to allow the use of potent insecticide thiamethoxam spells further trouble for bee populations across the countryside.
Stand by bees
Image of a bee in flight.

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