Turtle hatchling protection
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By funding this project you are contributing to their work. You will receive impact reports and measurements but you won't receive a carbon credit.
Around the world, six out of seven species of sea turtles are either threatened or endangered. This project provides grant funding to the organisations working on small budgets. The funds go towards paying local residents to patrol important turtle nesting beaches, protecting turtles that come up to nest and ensuring that the eggs are protected, and guiding the hatchlings to the sea. SEE Turtles grants have already resulted in 10 million hatchlings being saved! They’re aiming to save 1 billion.
Why did we choose this project?
Healthy oceans need sea turtles. Sea turtles are a "keystone species", which means they are an important part of their environment and influence other species around them. If a keystone species is removed from a habitat, the natural order can be disrupted, which impacts other wildlife and fauna in different ways.
Star fact
Sea Turtles are a "keystone species" consuming prey like jellyfish and sea sponges, allowing coral and lower trophic fish to grow in abundance.
UN Sustainability Goals

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28 Feb 2021
Costa Rica, Kenya, Indonesia, Ghana, Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Puerto Rico, USA, Trinidad and Tobago , Jamaica