UNDO Partner Image


UNDO is a UK based company scaling enhanced rock weathering (ERW), a highly scalable carbon removal technology that locks up CO2 for 100,000+ years. UNDO are delivering operations in the UK, as well as in Australia, Canada and the US.

Microsoft selected UNDO to make their first ERW purchase in 2023, following on from Stripe’s inclusion of UNDO within their Climate Portfolio in 2021. This support has helped UNDO to scale, with operations on track to spread rock by 2025 that will remove 1 million tonnes of CO2, and then 1 billion tonnes from rock spread by 2030. 

- Scalable, peer-reviewed science: Focused on delivering verified credits of the highest quality through our MRV approach.

- High quality project data: Ensuring the correct project data is collected to ensure accuracy and transparency for all partners and customers.

- Scalable operational model: Building a business that can have the gigatonne impact on climate change needed to maintain a liveable planet.

- Global agronomic R&D: Ensuring our agricultural partners are at the forefront of our operations, receiving the co-benefits of ERW.

UNDO second partner image

UNDO's projects

An image of UNDO Enhanced Rock Weathering – Canada

Enhanced Rock Weathering-Canada

A nature-based carbon removal technology that permanently locks away CO₂

Ontario, Canada
An image of UNDO Enhanced Rock Weathering – UK

UNDO Enhanced Rock Weathering

A nature-based carbon removal technology that permanently locks away CO₂


UNDO's actions

All the actions from UNDO's projects around the world